There’s Something About You

There’s something about you.
The way you smile and laugh and fill up rooms with joy.
The way you get mad, shake it off and move on without grudge or judgement.
The way you run to freshly bloomed roses and bury your face in the petals.

There’s something about you.
Furrowed brows turn into crinkled smiles when a child laughs or proudly does a backflip.
Bowed shoulders carrying others’ burdens straighten up strong and free when the wind blows and the birds begin their song.
Eyes wet with tears of grief begin to glitter and shine when hope rises up to remind you that mercy is new every morning.

There’s something about you.
Other shoppers step around products fallen into aisles but you stop to place items out of harm’s way.
In the midst of your own worries and busyness you stop to sit on a bench and chat with the homeless woman who is lost in her tears.

There’s something about you.
Truth is your path.
Hope is your fuel.
Grace is your power.
Laughter is your magnet.

Love is your something.